Friday, March 14, 2025

Ease Off The Cigarettes With This Great Quit Smoking Advice

Ask any smoker and they will tell you that they wish they could quit. They will probably also tell you that they have tried before and couldn’t quit. The tips and techniques in this article are presented in the hopes that they can help you. Use these tips and you may find that success is easier than you thought and feels better than you ever imagined.

Keep a cold glass or bottle of ice water nearby at all times. When you get a craving for a cigarette, take a sip of water–even if this means you hardly put the bottle down at first. This gives you something to do with your hands and mouth, and it can be a useful way to prevent snacking, too.

Find ways to keep your body and mind busy when you quit smoking. Take up walking as this will also help you get in better shape. Another great idea to keep your hands busy is to find a hobby. Learn to sew, knit or learn woodworking. You won’t have time to think about cigarettes when you stay busy.

Many people find the electronic cigarettes a great way to quit smoking. They do not have as many of the negative effects of normal cigarettes and can be a good way to taper off your smoking from your normal levels to a lesser point, until you are no longer smoking at all.

When you decide to go out with your family or your friends, try to go to places where you cannot smoke. This will prevent you from taking puffs. Try going to a restaurant or going out to a movie. This is a wonderful way to curve your urges, and it is fairly easy. Just make it inconvenient to smoke.

Stay away from alcohol or other things that trigger an urge to smoke. Alcohol and coffee are a known trigger for smoking, so stay away from them if possible. Also, smokers tend to light up after eating, so find something else to do, such as washing the dishes or cleaning your teeth.

Do not give up. Relapsing is very common. Many smokers have to try several times before they are successful in putting down the cigarettes. Look at what circumstances and emotions lead to the relapse. Once you decide you are ready to try again, set a date to quit in the very near future.

When you are trying to quit smoking, sometimes you have to change other habits which trigger your desire for a puff. Instead of that cup of coffee or that alcoholic drink, have a glass of juice or water. Many people still have an urge to have a smoke after finishing a meal. After a meal, take a walk. Not only will it help take your mind off having a smoke, it will also help keep off the weight that is commonly associated with giving up smoking.

Having a fixed date for when you want to be done with smoking can give you something to focus on. Deadlines often make it easier to achieve a task, and quitting smoking is no different. If you tell yourself that you must quit by a certain date, you will make a greater effort to do so.

Master stress management. Aside from nicotine withdrawal and simple habit, a primary reason you might start smoking again is stress. If you can’t avoid all stress during the first few weeks after quitting, do whatever it takes to manage your stress in another way than having a cigarette. Get a massage or try a yoga class. Find something new and healthy to replace what you’re giving up.

You might be surprised by how much the power of persuasion can aid you in quitting. If more traditional methods have failed before, then consider seeing a hypnotist. Just believing that hypnosis could work for you will help you to feel more motivated to quit. If nothing else, continuing to seek new treatment options will help you to stay committed to your goal.

If you do not want to use nicotine replacement therapy to help you quit smoking, consider asking your doctor for a prescription. There are medications that can alter your brain chemistry and reduce your nicotine cravings. Taking one of these prescriptions may be just the aid you need to get you over the hump.

Think about how good you felt before you smoked. Focus on how healthy, happy and active you were as a smoke-free child. Think about the foods you loved, the scents you loved and how fit you were, this will give you added incentive to stop smoking.

You already know that most people who try to stop smoking end up not being able to stop. It may take two, three or even more attempts until you find the right formula to stop smoking. But using the tips and tricks from this article can help you build a solid plan to help you join the ranks of those who have been successful in their quest to stop smoking.



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